

Facebook is the bane of my life. It takes what i completely intend to be a 30 second check up and turns it into an hour and a half of wasted time. Curse you facebook for taking my time. I should be sleeping, but instead I'm on you talking to friends. hmmmm. I think ill force myself to get off now. I imagine this will be one of many facebook rants.



Well I have started working at Meijer. Yippie (yes that was dripping with sarcasm) I am a cart pusher. YAY!!!! (yep more sarcasm) The main part of my job goes like this... Step 1. Go outside collect carts. Step 2. Push and force the carts back into the building. Step 3. Put the carts where they belong. Repeat. Thats pretty much what I do all day long, mindless, repetitive physical labor. But I am quickly becoming a master at cart manuvering so thats good. I guess.


Life Goal #36

In case any of you were wondering, gaining the ability and skill to play this song all the way through is one of my life goals.


Hey guys, I must admit I've tried like 10 times to start a blog, but I always felt it needed to have some depth or purpose, something that this blog will most likely lack at times. I'll probly get deep every once in a while but for the most part expect the randomness of my life. To start out I might have a few post today, to start out here is a wonderfull band on PureVolume called the jakes, listen to their song called Paid the Piper, It's fairly amazing. http://www.purevolume.com/thejakes. Oh one last thing, those of you who are curious about the name of my blog, my name is Brandon and people just call me "B" and this is the first one I thought of that wasn't taken.