
Solar Voyager

I wanted to share a website with everyone. The talent and artwork is amazing and beautiful. Go to the site and check out the wallpapers and the wall packs. They are awesome. Not a lot of people appreciate digital artwork simply for the fact they rarely get to see it by itself. So check the link out, you wont regret it. (and youll get some sweet computer backgrounds)


The Horror of Our World

Why is there so much anger and frustration thrown at anything that has a darker theme? Many people think that a song or movie that focuses on death is evil. I think this is entirely incorrect. I believe that this music (while not only just being good art) can also teach us a lot about the other sides of life. This song is called "The Horror of Our Love" its discusses the dark side of love. The potentially consuming destructive side. This song definatly has dark themes but I think it is a great song and listening to it and songs like it can help us understand and empathize with people who go through dark situations. Keep in mind theres a difference between songs that have dark themes and songs that lift up darkness. The latter is where things get dangerous. But darkness is everywhere. It's the world we live in. A place where there are over 800,000 suicide attempts in the U.S. each year, and 60% of high school seniors use drugs to escape their lives. It's the world we're in and we need to understand it. (I would love to hear your oppinion on this post and the song so please leave a comment.)



Lake Pontchartrain

This song is a wonderful song. It tells the story of three young men who are going on vacation and then some of them get eaten by the lake. ({oh and thats not my picture Yay google})

Thoughts on People, Part I

I can't stand it. I can't stand seeing someone in pain and not being able to do anything. There is nothing more frustrating. In this world where I see people tearing down and destroying the lives of another person for mere entertainment. It's sick. So many people just wish they could escape their lives and try to hide behind anything they can. Sex. Drugs. Parties. Lies. Some people just try to pretend none of their problems exist, try to keep on a happy face and not let anyone know whats going on. Ignoring the problems doesn't make them go away. Everyone has a way to deal with problems, but for consistent problems it's near impossible to deal with by yourself. I find myself often not asking people what's wrong even when it's written all over their face because I'm afraid of invading their privacy. I'm quickly coming to the point where I feel I'm being a chicken. Shouldn't I at least try? Even as simply as just saying something nice to them would be acceptable, anyway to let them know I care. I try, but I don't know what the line is. I often want to help people I don't even know. I have no problem with being forward with my good friends, but how about people I just kind of know. I just wish I knew how to help. Who knows. Sorry for my kindof non-focused post, but I'm sure I will have focused post about these topics soon. (My thoughts aren't very organized so my post aren't either. By the way the girl in the picture is Sydney, the picture was taken after a long day of shopping. She's awesome.)